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Claudia Baldassarra - Deep Breaths / The Sky Is Blue Again

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40 pp, ita/eng, PDF

Con lo sguardo perso nelle vaste spiagge del Kent e dei Lidi Ferraresi, Claudia Baldassarra ci accompagna in alcune delle sue (forse) pensierose e (sicuramente) ventose passeggiate sulla sabbia, in un bianco e nero grezzo e suggestivo che, unito alle sue parole, riesce a trasportare lo spettatore in un tempo indefinito, tra il ricordo malinconico di un'estate passata e il desiderio di solitudine.


With a gaze lost in the vast beaches of Kent and Lidi Ferraresi, Claudia Baldassarra takes us with her on some of her (maybe) pensive and (definitely) windy walks on the sand, with a raw and evocative black and white that, along with her words, is able to send the audience in an undefined time, between the gloomy memory of a past summer and the desire of solitude.
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